
Sunday, April 18, 2010


Sorry I haven't updated since my doctor's appointment! I'm actually updating from my office before Matt's service (I had a little work to do here anyway!) So there has been literally ZERO progress in the baby department. No dilation, no effacement, nada (sorry if that was an over-share).  The baby is measuring at 8 and a half pounds. The technician said she got great measurements so she feels like that's very accurate. I know these things are never 100%, but everyone seems to think she's at least that big.  I have another appointment on Thursday (April 22nd) so see how things are progressing.  She may decide to induce me next week if I've had any progress at all. She said she is hesitant to induce if my body isn't showing any signs of being ready. What if the mom is showing signs of being ready???!?!?! Oh well. I'm focusing on that fact that God already has the perfect plan for us, and I just need to roll with that :) I'll keep you posted if anything new happens...have a blessed Sunday!


Cristin said...

Margaret, I have had so much fun checking in on your pregnancy stories! Thank you for sharing :) Can't wait to see pictures of your little one soon! I know you can't wait either!