
Wednesday, February 3, 2010

3rd Trimester!

28 weeks What's Happening This Week: By this week, your baby weighs two and a quarter pounds (like a Chinese cabbage) and measures 14.8 inches from the top of her head to her heels. She can blink her eyes, which now sport lashes. With her eyesight developing, she may be able to see the light that filters in through your womb. She's also developing billions of neurons in her brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world.

What a week it has been! My mom came in town on Wednesday night and stayed through Sunday. My dad met us here in Houston on Friday. We had a GREAT time together! My mom got an amazing idea from her mother to cook a bunch of meals and freeze them for me so I wouldn't have to cook or do much grocery shopping this month. How fantastic is that??? So now my freezers are stocked up with all kinds of goodies! Thanks mom and Grandmother! :)

My dad bought us our stroller, which really makes all of this feel so real.  Matt was out of town all week and got home late Saturday night. He still had a sermon to write, but was excited to see the stroller box and went right to work! He had the entire system assembled in no time :) I have such a sweet husband! Tako (our chihuahua) is a little freaked out by the stroller-maybe we should tell her she's going to be a big sister :)

Here are some pictures of Matt putting together the stroller:IMG_4557 IMG_4559


How far along? 28 weeks

Stretch marks? Not yet, but I think some are headed my way. BOO.

Sleep: I am actually sleeping a little better than last week! It still takes me a few minutes to switch sides and whatnot, but I definitely slept better this week! YAY!

Best moment this past week: Mom and I went to Baby Daze (a HUGE consignment sale here at KUMC) and bought way too many clothes for my sweet girl. She already has 5 pairs of shoes---insane, especially since she won't keep them on, I'm sure of it! But, what can I say, she takes after her mother and grandmother :)

Movement: I swear, she's using the bed as a trampoline. When I lay on my side she pushes against the bed. What a funny girl.

Food cravings: Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream...I'm just not going to go to the store. If I buy it, the carton will be gone in under 5 minutes. Not cute.

Labor Signs: Not yet, but I read that the Braxton Hicks contractions could start this week.

What I miss: Being able to walk like a normal person (I currently walk like a duck-OK, I waddle like a duck.)

What I am looking forward to: The crib comes in this week! YAY! I can't wait to start putting this nursery together

Weekly Wisdom: RELAX and take care of myself. I struggle with this, I still want to do everything I was able to do a few weeks ago, but it's not a physical possibility

Milestone: I would say reaching the 3rd trimester is pretty big milestone :)


KariBeth and Josh Gentry said...

We have that same stroller in the same colors! We have such similar tastes!

Ashley, Kyle, and Baby Boy said...

yea!! just sent you an invite to my blog...!!! can't wait to see your baby girls nursery all dolled up! what have you decided to name her???

Ashley, Kyle, and Baby Boy said...

ps- if you put my blog on your blog list, put on the list because that will update with new posts, while the private blog will not!