
Friday, October 8, 2010

Cloth Diapers

Anyone who has ever had a baby knows how expensive child rearing can be! Matt and I have been looking for ways to save a little here and there. One of the biggest changes we’ve made recently is the move to cloth diapers. I know, it seems crazy. But I promise cloth diapers have come a long way! It's not as gross as you would think (trust me, I'm super girly-so if I can do it, anyone can!) There's really nothing to it. You just pull the insert out of the diaper and wash them in hot water and tumble dry (if it's a dirty diaper you just shake/spray it off into the toilet first---sorry, that's gross) And that's seriously all you do. Pretty easy :)

We’ve discussed using cloth diapers since I was pregnant with Charlotte. I’ve felt like this would be a great thing to do, but wanted to talk to other families who do this and wanted to adjust to motherhood a bit before I made this decision. After much thought and discussion, we have officially made the change! We decided to go with The FuzziBunz one-size diapers. They’re incredibly adjustable…they fit babies 7-35 pounds. You can adjust around the legs and waist which is pretty ideal if you have a baby with either chunky or skinny legs :) The disposable diapers dig into her thighs but leave a wide space in the back (not so fun). The cloth diapers have snap closures which are supposed to withstand 3+ years of use. I found this especially appealing. Take a look at all of the different settings:

I love the idea of not having to buy tons of disposable diapers for all of our children. Ideally, these will last through all of our diapering years (we ordered all gender neutral colors). Clearly when we have babysitters or take her to the nursery we’ll put her in disposables, but the majority of the time the cloth diapers will work great! Hopefully this will prove to save money, and at the very least it's great for the environment :) If you're interested in seeing a chart of the cost breakdowns of the many different kinds of cloth diapers vs disposables click here. It's very interesting :)

We're starting with 10 diapers and if we need more later we'll order them. Next on our list are an antibacterial pail liner (you wash it with the diapers) and a diaper sprayer

Wish us luck!!! :)


Elizabeth said...

I'm excited for you! Be careful, though: cloth diapers can become addicting! Have you found the site You can get gently used ones there for very good deals.

We cloth diaper about half the time and use gDiaper hybrids when C's at daycare. I love how easy it is, how I don't have a big pail of poop in my house, how I'm not adding a ton of plastic to the landfill (and a ton is not an exaggeration) and how CUTE babies are in cloth! Plus the fit is way better and it's better for their skin. Hooray!

Emerald Grande Sales Team said...

You are an amazing mother and an amazing citizen of the earth :) and I love you!

A.B. said...

My sister uses them and is a huge fan!